Cleveland High School

High School

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Joseph Lenzo

Lenzo, Joseph

Math Teacher

I am a math teacher at Cleveland STEM High School. I teach Geometry and AP Statistics in a collaborative, complex instruction model. This will be my 6th year at CHS.

Outside of school I enjoy family, cooking, playing music, backpacking, basketball, and golf.

,Personal Message

Lenzo's Class Schedule (subject to change, updated frequently)

Period 1 & 4: PREP

Period 2 & 5: Geometry

Period 3 & 6: Geometry

Period 7 & 8: AP Statistics

11th Grade Advisory

Anna Leslie

Leslie, Anna

Science, Career and Technical Education Teacher
Francis Lin

Lin, Francis

Science Teacher

Francis Lin is entering his 3rd year at Cleveland STEM High School and his 5th year of teaching, previously teaching middle school in Renton School District.  In addition to teaching science, Lin also oversees Super Smash Bros. Club and K-Pop Dance Club.  Before becoming a teacher, Lin worked as an Academic Adviser at the University of Washington.

Class Schedule (Semester 1) 

Per 1: Physics A

Per 2: Physics A

Per 3/4: AP Environmental Science

Per 5/6: Planning

Per 7: Physics A

Per 8: Physics A

Pamela Lyons

Lyons, Pamela

Health Program Manager
Ana-Claudia Magana

Magana, Ana-Claudia

Humanities Teacher

Hello! My name is Ms. Magana and I teach 10th grade Humanities. This will be my third year at Cleveland STEM High School. I originally grew up in Los Angeles and moved to Washington in 2014 to pursue my teaching degree at the Evergreen State College. I also have a masters degree in Creative Writing from the University of Edinburgh, and a bachelors degree from the University of Southern California. My hobbies include reading, writing, music, photography, and ballroom dancing.

Unfortunately I cannot answer phone calls live at the moment, but leaving a detailed voice message (with your name, phone number, and message) will help me a lot. I will get the calls in my e-mail and can get back to you as soon as possible.

Joesph Mingo

Mingo, Joseph

CTE Teacher, Admin Intern
Dominique Mitchell

Mitchell, Dominique

Youth Services Assistant
Shiree Nguyen

Nguyen, Shiree

Speech Language Pathologist
Phuong Nguyen

Nguyen, Gunner

Math Teacher
Leonor Perez-Zarco

Perez Zarco, Leonor

Attendance Specialist
Steve Pratt

Pratt, Steve

Science Teacher

Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. – Carl Sagan

And since you're here...I would tell you a funny joke about the element sodium, but na.

Benjamin Price

Price, Benjamin

Humanities Teacher
Daniel Quach

Quach, Daniel

Science Teacher
Alicia Raftery

Raftery, Alicia

Multilingual Teacher

Ray, Barry

Logan Reichert

Reichert, Logan


Hello! I've been working at Cleveland STEM High School since 2010 as a College Prep Advisor, an Academic Intervention Specialist and am excited to now be the school librarian!

If I'm not at work I'm probably at home with my two young kids.  I enjoy cooking for my family, being outside - hiking, kayaking, etc  and enjoy watching sports (especially soccer).

Cyprus Richardson

Richardson, Cyprus

Kingmakers Facilitator
Aedan Roberts

Roberts, Aedan

Special Education Teacher
Laura Roesner

Roesener, Laura

Assistant Principal (10th & 11th Grade)
Jose Rojas

Rojas, Jose

Bilingual Instructional Assistant