Cleveland High School

High School

Assessments Overview

Cleveland STEM High School

Testing & Assessments News

AP Exam Registration & Payments

  1. AP Registration is happening from now until November 6. If your student would like to take the exam to receive college credit, please have them communicate that with their AP teacher by the 11/6 deadline. 
  2. This year’s AP Exam Fee is $118.00 per test. If your family qualifies under the SPS income guidelines, your fee is $20.00 per exam. If you are unsure about your status, please contact Jenn Kekuna at If you haven’t applied for aid this year, please do so as soon as possible on PayPams
  3. You can pay for the exams online using the School Pay.

Types of Assessments

  • SAT: The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) focuses on the knowledge and skills that the best evidence indicates are essential for college and career readiness and success. This test is composed of four sections: Math, Reading, Writing and Language, and Essay. Learn more on CHS SAT page.
  • PSAT/NMSQT: The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is the route of entry into the National Merit Scholarship Program for Juniors. Questions specific to National Merit Scholarship Program should be directed to the National Merit Scholarship or to the College Board. Learn more about the PSAT on the CHS PSAT page.
  • AP Exams: Students in AP courses might earn college credit and/or advanced placement in college if they perform well on AP Exams and if their college of choice accepts the AP exam for credit.
  • State Assessments: State assessments are required for federal accountability and also provide a common measure of student progress at the school, district and state levels. Our educators examine the results and use them to help determine which resources and supports are needed to close achievement gaps.

Watch for more updates to be added to this page.

Please visit the SPS Testing and Assessments page for updates and news on how assessments are used and their requirements in Seattle Public Schools.