Cleveland High School

High School

PTSA Eagle Fund Goal Fundraising

Summary : Support the Eagle Launch.

Our 24-25 Eagle Fundraiser Launch

Support Your Local PTSA Donating the Follow Ways

  1. Our Eagle Fund Goal is to raise $50,000. This allows ups to fill in the gaps and/or support last minute needs that include ASB dances & events, curriculum night, teachers appreciation, mini grants that teachers and staff might need to support our students and so forth. Give now to reach our goal.
  2. Fred Meyer Community Rewards: Cleveland STEM PTSA is now a listed Non-Profit for Community Rewards. This is an add-on feature that requires an online account and a registered rewards number. NPO (Non-Profit Organization) #: QX514 Cleveland Stem High School PTSA  Sign up for community rewards
  3. Shop To Give: The Shop to Give program makes it easy for people to give back to the causes they care about without it costing a thing to you. Merchants fund the donations.
  4. Athletic Booster Committee ensures resources for sports teams, such as uniforms, equipment and transportation to give please donate via square account.
  5. You can also send or drop off a money order or a check made out to and write in the memo Eagle Fund

You can also send a money order or check made to Cleveland PTSA and send it to the school: Cleveland PTSA, ℅ Cleveland High School, 5511 15th Ave S. Seattle, WA 98108.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Thank you for your contribution to the students at Cleveland STEM!

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