Cleveland High School

High School
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PTSA Parent Teacher Student Association

Cleveland PTSA 2024-25

Special Announcements

  • Eagle Fundraiser 24-25! This allows ups to fill in the gaps and/or support last minute needs that include ASB dances & events, curriculum night, teachers appreciation, mini grants that teachers and staff might need to support our students and so forth Learn More on our PTSA Eagle Fundraiser Featured News!
  • Did you know that your PTSA membership does not renew every school year. Payment for membership is not required. It has to be renewed yearly. Please take a moment to renew your CHS PTSA membership. Anyone in the community can be a PTSA member: students, teachers & staff, parents & guardians, relatives, and any other community member. Without your membership, the PTSA can not function.

What is the CHS PTSA?

The PTSA is the acronym for ‘Parent Teacher Student Association’. The PTSA is about connecting and working together to support the health, well-being, and educational needs of all students at Cleveland High School.  The PTSA connects parents, teachers & administrators and supports critical school needs that affect all students at CHS, including our own students.

The PTSA engages and empowers families and communities to advocate for the children at CHS. The PTSA supports one another while engaging with students and staff at CHS to build a community of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

What Does Your CHS PTSA Do?

What are Some of the things Cleveland Stem High School PTSA (Parent, Teacher, Student, Association) Does to Help Your Student:

  • Advocate and Act for the health, education, and general well-being of all Cleveland Stem High School students. Cleveland Stem High School PTSA engages parents, faculty, students, and staff in many ways that add to the Cleveland experience.
  • Support certain school events such as curriculum night, multi-cultural. nights, talent shows, and other student activities, which contribute to the enjoyment of the students at CHS.
  • Organize and Fund teacher and staff appreciation breakfast and lunch.
  • Provide mini-grants to teachers and staff to help supplement the curriculum and enhance student’s learning.
  • Help provide Snacks for CHS tutoring program that’s available for all students called CASH (Cleveland After School Help Program).
  • Support CHS Closet (clothing for students), food and gas cards for families in need.
  • Support school dances such as prom and homecoming.
  • PTSA Represents the various ethnic, social, economic, and cultural backgrounds that CHS has (in the heart of Beacon Hill), which brings multiple perspectives.
  • The PTSA Connects parents, teachers & administrators and supports critical school needs that affect all students at CHS, including our own students.
  • Under the PTSA’s Umbrella, the Athletic Booster Club helps fund sports equipment for all teams, transportation to games, and more.
  • Help Support all the things that the school district doesn’t support or fund.

Want to Make a Donation Anytime?

You can also send a money order or check made to Cleveland PTSA and send it to the school: Cleveland PTSA, ℅ Cleveland High School, 5511 15th Ave S. Seattle, WA 98108

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Thank you for your contribution to the students and community at Cleveland STEM!

Become a Cleveland HS PTSA Member

Did you know that your PTSA membership does not renew every single year? It has to be renewed yearly. Payment for membership is not required. Anyone in the community can be a PTSA member: students, teachers & staff, parents & guardians, relatives, and any other community member; regardless of race, sex, identity, economic background, ESL, and work schedule. Without members there cannot be a PTSA, so don’t worry, you don’t have to volunteer and/or donate unless you would like. Your membership keeps the PTSA active.

We Are in Need of Volunteers

On the Following Committees

The PTSA cannot be successful without committee chairs and committee volunteers (Membership, Events, Advocacy, Finance, Grants/Fundraising, and Communication for the school year of 2024-2025 (refer to descriptions below).

Descriptions of Committees

Advocating Chair & Members

  • Relaying helpful information to members 
  • Seek out resources to help the community
  • Partner with other school PTSAs for collaboration
  • Become a voice at Seattle Public School meetings if needed
  • Work with communication committee for social media posting etc

Athletic Booster Roles

  • Spirit Wear Sales
  • Basketball Concession Volunteers
  • Athletics Fundraising Lead
  • Booster Accounting
  • Booster Event Planning Leads
  • Leadership Roles
  • Team Parent Coordinators

Communication Chair & Members (2 people max)

  • Social Media
  • Website (WordPress)
  • Send emails/newsletters
  • Creative images
  • Designs for projects

Events Chair & Members

  • Coordinate and help plan events 
  • Recruit volunteers for events such as student dances
  • Work with other committee members 

Finance Review Committee Chair & Members (3 person max)

  • Open mailed bank statements 
  • Review statements monthly 
  • Help the Treasurer with the budget 1 to 3 times a year
  • Help with annual report

Grants/Fundraising Members

  • Apply for grants such as the WAPTSA annual grant
  • Fundraise for events (mostly done virtually)
  • Coordinate and plan fundraisers for general PTSA funds

Membership Chair & Members

  • Help recruit members throughout the school year work with other committee members

PTSA Newsletters & Meetings

Join Our PTSA Email List & Attend a Meeting

Join our PTSA email list to subscribe to the PTSA newsletter. The newsletter is sent out once a month and provides updates on PTSA activities as well as share information related to the school, programs, or student advocacy with families. You can subscribe or unsubscribe anytime.

Follow Our CHS PTSA Instagram!

CHS Instagram Collage link in image and on webpage
PTSA Instagram
Follow Our Instagram

Follow the CHS PTSA Instagram for updates. Find out all about all the great things happening and how to get involved too!

CHS PTSA Instagram

Follow Us On All Social Media

Social media accounts share information on a more frequent basis. Facebook allows for discussions among the members. Please like and follow Cleveland Stem High School PTSA on the following platforms.