Principal Newsletter: News For Students & Families
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Cleveland Family Newsletter

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March 21, 2025
Hello Cleveland Families,
This week, Cleveland staff voted and approved a budget for the 25-26 school year. I want to share with you some important information about next year’s budget and the impact it will have on our school and your student’s experience at Cleveland.
The budget challenge we face is the result of a drop in enrollment and the end of grant funding that runs out at the end of this school year. Despite a strong number of students and families interested in enrolling at Cleveland and a perennial, lengthy waitlist, we are projected to enroll fewer students this year, resulting in fewer staff. We face a number of key reductions, including 3.5 certificated teaching positions and an Assistant Principal.
I shared with our school’s Budget Committee that someday in the near future, we will be on the other side of the budget crisis, and when we get there, we must ensure the core identity of Cleveland is intact. We have always been a school community committed to equity, restorative practices, ethnic studies, project-based learning, and robust STEM programming, and I am proud that we passed a budget that positions us to keep our identity into the future:
- We will maintain our current staffing in each STEM Pathway: School of Life Science, School of Engineering and Design, and School of Computer Science.
- We will maintain our full art and music programs.
- We will continue to offer four-year sequences in two languages, Chinese and Spanish.
- We will continue to offer Dual Credit/ advanced course work options, including popular courses like AP Calculus, AP Statistics, Math 130, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Environmental Science, UW BIOL 100, AP Computer Science, and the UW in the High School classes in our 11th and 12th grade Humanities classes.
We also continue to explore opportunities for growth, despite budget hardships. We are working on plans to offer a 4-year Ethnic Studies sequence through our Humanities department that will be available to all students, a robotics course taught by a professional with years of industry experience, and a pre-apprenticeship construction program that will expand how we think about STEM at Cleveland.
Despite the challenges of this year’s budget, we are as committed as ever to ensure every student gets what they need to thrive. Thank you for your ongoing support of Cleveland and for your continued advocacy for our school.
We hope you have a restful and restorative weekend.
Jeff Lam, Principal
Jackie Cable, Assistant Principal
Laura Roesener, Assistant Principal
Joseph Mingo, Administrative Intern
Some Newsletter Highlights
Important Dates and Events to Know
- 4/4: Cleveland Talent Show (6:00 – 8:00 p.m.)
- 4/8: End of Quarter 3
- 4/14 – 4/18: Spring Break (no school)
- 6/9: Senior Check-out
- 6/16: Graduation
Read the complete Family Newsletter for March 21, 2025
From Cleveland’s Library
Check out these stats from the first semester in the library. Thanks for supporting the library and students right to read books and have third space in the school! View image on the Friday Newsletter.
Free Summer Program at UW Foster School of Business – Apply now!
This FREE Summer 2025 Residency Week Accounting & Business Program at the UW is now accepting applications. Program Dates: Sunday, July 20 – Friday, July 25 Priority application deadline is Friday, April 4.
The Accounting Career Awareness Program is pleased to invite applicants from WA state high school students of color to its Summer 2025 Residency week program at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business. Our mission is to help underrepresented students realize academic and career opportunities in accounting and business. This free, week-long residential program for rising WA state high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors introduces participants to accounting and the many opportunities offered in a career field actively seeking to diversify its workforce. Participants reside on campus, learn in and out of the classroom, visit accounting firms, build valuable life skills, and network with other students and diverse professionals while enjoying a taste of campus life. This program is 100% free and includes housing in campus dorms, food, and all activities. For more information: Visit the Seattle ACAP website or email for a flyer.
Encourage your student to apply for the 2025 Washington State Legislative Page Program!
This program offers a unique and enriching opportunity for students to take part in the legislative process by observing the legislature and other branches of state government. As Senate Pages, students will assist offices and legislators, deliver materials and messages on the chamber floor, and attend page school. Page school is designed to help students understand daily tasks and Senate floor activity, eventually allowing them to participate in the bill-making process through a mock hearing debate. In addition, pages have the opportunity to meet guest speakers who share insights into the legislative process and how session functions.
Senate Pages will have the opportunity to create connections, learn about the legislative process, and gain valuable insights into state government. Additionally, students will earn a stipend of $65 a day and may be eligible for community service or scholarships. Scholarships and host family housing accommodations are available for students.
Application requirements include:
- Must attend school in Washington State
- Must be 14 to 16 years old at the time they participate in the program
- Must have parents or legal guardians
- Need approval and recommendation from a teacher and principal
I highly encourage students from the 37th District to apply for this incredible opportunity. The application deadline is March 27, and applications can be submitted online.
Ramadan Mubarak
To our Muslim family at Cleveland: Ramadan Mubarak. We wish you all the blessings of the Holy month. It is important to us as a school community that we support all students who participate in the Ramadan fast this month. Our staff will be mindful and supportive of students who participate in fasting this month by refraining from having food and drinks in class, restrict the playing of music, provide accommodations students may need in their classes, and offer our library as a “food-free” space during this time for our students to hang out during lunch.
During Ramadan, students will be able to pray at 12:30-12:45 in Room 1141. They should inform their teacher and be out of class no more than 15 minutes. Students who can bring their own prayer rugs are encouraged to do so, in the event that we run short.
Spring Sports!
- Baseball
- Softball – Fast pitch
- Tennis
- Track and Field
- Girls Ultimate Frisbee
- Boys Soccer
- Boys Volleyball
To learn more about Cleveland athletics opportunities, contact information, athletics registration, and game schedules visit our Athletics page!
All Families: please take a moment to complete the Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefits Application
Please take a moment and complete the CNEEP form. We need all families to complete this form, regardless of your income level. As we enter into a challenging budget season, the data collected from this form will have a significant impact on how much funding receive. We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this survey today!
Yearbook Pre-Sales
Pre-order your 2025 Cleveland Yearbook on SchoolPay or have your student fill out an order form in room 1162. Yearbooks will arrive in early June before Graduation. Books cost $60.