Cleveland High School

High School
Assessments Overview

PSAT Information


PSAT/NMSQT College Board Logo

Mark Your Calendars


The Junior class will be given the opportunity to complete the PSAT later in October. The PSAT for Juniors will be scheduled on a day between October 16 – October 30.  Please note that this year’s testing will be digital, on school laptops! Students will be assigned a testing date based on last name and Running Start schedule (if applicable), and notified asap. 

Interested Juniors will need to sign up on our Online Form. A link to the form and a QR code is on the posted purple flyers around campus and a flyer was given to Grade 11 classrooms.

  • October 16-30, 2023: Test Window for School-Day PSAT/NMSQT for Grade 11 students.
    • The College Board has transitioned the PSAT/NMSQT to a *Digital Exam and SPS High Schools will administer the PSAT/NMSQT during this window.
    • IMPORTANT: All Grade 11 students will be required to use their SPS devices for the PSAT/NMSQT. This will ensure that technical assistance can be provided on-site by SPS staff on the day of testing.
    • The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT/NMSQT) helps Juniors prepare for the SAT and is used to qualify students for scholarships and advanced learning opportunities. 
  • SPS students will be automatically registered for the PSAT/NMSQT.
  • SPS administers the PSAT/NMSQT assessments free of charge during a regular school day.

*The PSAT/NMSQT is offered digitally in October 2023 to Grade 11 students so that in later years when they will be taking the SAT when it is released in Digital they will be familiar with the digital testing experience. Learn more about the College Board Digital SAT launch.

Students have the opportunity to take the free PSAT/NMSQT test at Cleveland HS. It is not required. Students not wishing to test will stay home on this day. Attendance will be taken and students who are not here will be marked absent unexcused unless a parent or guardian has excused them.

Visit the district SAT & PSAT Testing Information.

Next Steps & Scholarship Information

Practice Resources

National Merit Scholarship Program

The PSAT/NMSQT is the route of entry into the National Merit Scholarship Program for Juniors. Questions specific to National Merit Scholarship Program should be directed to the National Merit Scholarship Corporation or to College Board.

Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL) Benefits

The PSAT/NMSQT helps Juniors prepare for the SAT and is used to qualify students for scholarships and advanced learning opportunities. These tests are offered to all Juniors free of charge; no pre-registration is required.

Students who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL) may be eligible to receive additional benefits from the College Board such as unlimited sending of scores. In order to receive these benefits, please complete the Family Income Survey and visit the district School-Day SAT page for more information.

Why Take the PSAT?

  • Provides valuable feedback on strengths and the skills necessary for college study. Students can then focus their preparation on areas that could most benefit from additional study or practice. The PSAT measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills and writing skills.
  • Gives insight on how a performance on an admissions test compares to others applying to college. Helps students prepare for the SAT. Students will become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions they will see on the SAT.
  • Could help Juniors qualify for scholarships. The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) for Juniors is a program co-sponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corp. (NMSC).

Using/Understanding PSAT/NMSQT
Scores to Prepare for the SAT

Students will need to log onto their College Board accounts to view their PSAT/NMSQT scores and use them to prepare for the SAT. Refer to the College Board Getting Scores site for all the information you need and a video as well.

Students should receive their original PSAT test booklets. If you would like to learn more about how to understand your scores and get tips for preparing for the SAT or need assistance with your College Board account, or your Counselor.

Grade 11 Juniors, to learn more about the SAT visit the CHS SAT Information page. To understand your PSAT scores and how to link your test results with free Khan Academy practice tests tailored just for you to prepare for the SAT view video on the College Board site. In addition learn more information about practicing for the SAT on College Board as well.